Monday, February 14, 2005

Dutch migrate to Australia

Apparently many Dutch have decided to give up and run from Islamic terrorism:

Across the Channel, the Dutch middle classes are quitting clogged roads and street violence in numbers unheard of in living memory.

Australia is a top destination for a wave of migration among educated Dutch people, sparked by racial strife and increasing unrest in the Netherlands. The murder of homosexual populist politician Pim Fortuyn and film-maker Theo van Gogh are seen as linked to the exodus. More people left Holland in 2003 than arrived.

The trend is likely to continue. A typical reaction comes from Els Booij, human resources consultant for the Japanese company Kawasaki. Away from home in Amsterdam for a holiday in the French Alps, she told me: "Most sensible people think things have gone too far. There's a lack of drive among politicians to get to grips with the problems. Instead, a sense of resignation reigns – nothing changes."

I have a feeling that Australia is going to become a very crowded country in the near future.


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