Friday, March 18, 2005

Hmong: targets of police brutality?

Dave Gibson writes about the selective protests of the Hmong community in Milwaukee:

The Hmong community of Milwaukee is very angry over the police shooting of a local Hmong man. Tuo Yang had barricaded himself in his house with his wife and three young children. Yang fired several shots at police which prompted the shooting. Yang died of his wounds a week later. While the death is a tragedy, it sounds as if police were justified. However, local Hmong leaders have complained of racism...What else is new?

A few weeks ago, hundreds of Hmong marched through downtown Milwaukee to protest Yang's death. The Hmong community called it the "One Mile March For Justice." Many carried signs which read "Stop The Target Practice" and MPD Trigger Happy." They also hoisted a stretcher above their shoulders which held a straw figure dressed in Hmong funeral clothes. Apparently, the lawless Yang has become a martyr for the Hmong.

The executive director of the Hmong American Friendship Association Lo Nen Kiatoukaysy told the protesters: "We implore and demand them (police) to seek peaceful resolutions before reaching for their guns, to seek community resources before taking brutal action, and to clear their hearts and mind of hatred so that individuals from minority groups and those who are mentally ill will not be the targets of police brutality."

While the Hmong community expresses such outrage over the death of a man who shoots at police officers, these same people seem to have no outrage over the shooting deaths of six Wisconsin hunters last year. The six were actually hunted down and killed one by one, by a member of their own community (Chai Vang). However, the hunters were all white and obviously not worthy of Hmong outrage.

Here are some of the problems caused by the Hmong:

The Hmong people originate mostly from Laos and Thailand. There are large Hmong communities in Wisconsin, Minnesota, as well as California. A Hmong import seems to be gang violence. Hmong gang activity in those sates has sharply increased in recent years.

There is currently a Hmong gang war taking place in Sacramento, CA. Since late November, there have been three gang-related murders in that city. The most recent occurred on less than two weeks ago. A local Hmong gang member named Pra Vang was sitting at a traffic light, when two rival Hmong gang members leaped from their car and pumped 14 bullets into Vang's car. A bus filled with children sat next to his car, as the children witnessed the brutal slaying.

Police say that 25 percent of murders which took place in Sacramento last year were gang-related. They fight over drug territory and the usual nonsense associated with gang violence. The gang members are of course mostly teenagers, most of their parents do not speak English and for the most part, do not cooperate with police. It is hard enough to enlist the cooperation of members of any community, either due to fear of reprisals or mistrust of the police. However, when you factor in the fact that many of these people speak a language with which very few Americans are familiar--controlling the violence is a daunting task indeed.

Recently, a Hmong teenager (Yatau Her) was arrested after he escaped from a California detention facility and killed a Minnesota sheriff's deputy.

The Hmong community expresses great anger and grief over the death of a would-be cop-killer. Yet they remain silent as a large segment of their children become involved in gang violence. They express no grief over the deaths of the six Wisconsin hunters, nor over the murder of a police officer. Their brand of "outrage" is in fact, simply another form of racism.

Another "benefit" of our nation's immigration policies.

In the news:

Sacramento County Sheriff's Deputies Try to Contain Asian Gang War

The Hmyth Of The Hmong

Events exposing Hmong community's internal politics

Deputy shot; suspects caught

Around the Blogosphere:

Tibetan killed in Minnesota

Nyob Zoo, Folks


At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happened a while back so I won't say much but it's not true. I'm hmong and I do feel sorry to those six hunters, however ask yourself this question, whoever wrote this article. "sombody has a gun, they are about to shoot you, are you going to stand there and let them shoot you? or will you defend yourself by shooting them?"

Yeah, that's what I thought.. DUH! defend yourself..shoot them. of course! right? that's what CHAI VANG did!!! he defended himself. I would do the same thing. I won't care what race they are. Shoot them..

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how long ago this was written but the writer is as ignorant and stupid as the Hmong people who protested Yang's death. Don't generalized. Violence in America, especially gang violence, existed long before the Hmong people came to America. We did not "import" violence into America. If you truly believe that then I don't know what America you were living in all these years. Violence has been in America as long as it has been around and the Hmong people have only been in this country a little over 30 years. So don't sit in your high chair and judge a race of people based on the ignorance of a few. Show some common sense and intelligence by giving criticism where it is due and not where it is not. Because if we were to be truly honest here, the white man has tried to take over and oppressed every race of people and we have the history books to prove it.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can this writer say hmong people don't care about the 6 person that chai soua kiiled. maybe some don't but others do, and it goes both ways if the hmong were the victims as well. havent this writer heard stories of hmong hunters now being killed in the wilderness too? ignorant people these days.

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, this is stupid...whoever wrote this racist ass article about the Hmong people is the "World's Dumbest Idiot". Well stupid people, think about it like this, you put some 5'ft asian people into a neighborhood (the Ghetto) full of thugs and criminals with blacks and latinos, whom are double their height, what the hell do you expect is gonna happen...that all the kids in that hood is gonna come out as Yale grads-sarcasm. You have to be able to stand up for yourself and sometimes stand as a force. That is why gangs are formed to retaliate from the threats. Sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire. You (the American Govnt) are the ones who put us in those neighborhoods during our relocation, to fend for ourselves, just like how you left the rest of the Hmongs back in Laos, to fend for themselves too. The worst part is that, this is the reward our fore fathers received for helping the Americans in the Vietnam War. It's not like the American soldiers were saved to sleep outside with the tigers...No they were treated as one of our own inside the huts that we live in. And about the Chai Vang shooting, all I have to say is, if that was me in that situation and those people who shot at me first were Hmong, I wouldn't have cared and would've shot and tried to kill them myself. It's only the fact that their white, that's how this situation became over estimated and handled. It's all about the principals, you've gotta be able to see that situation at a different angle. To end this, the ignorant White-Caucasian Americans, please use your small minds before you speak. I know there are a lot of you out there that ARE smart though.

At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have so much time to do research..write about your own race. Like one of the article said, white history has x1000 more brutality than any other minority group, starting with killing off the Natives that were here first. Don't forget about other Europeans who came here as slaves and of course the cruel treatment of enslaving blacks. A time will come and karama will be a bitch because you just might get what you deserve for all the things that you have done in the past. Did you ever realize that maybe you are alive because some hmong guy helped saved your dad or grandfather. If so it's a shame cause you are one guy that should have never been born,,,get a real job and stop writing junk. If you can't be a writer try a new career cause you SUCK...hehe!


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