Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Muslim women support honor killings

Dean's World makes a disturbing claim about the support for honor killings in the Islamic world:

In the vast majority of "honor killings" of women in the muslim world, the killing is done at the direct behest of a man's mother or wife.

Not "with her support." At her behest. Because she demanded that he do it.

Unfortunately, getting most people to wrap their heads around all of that, or the fact that these killings are often done with the full expectation that the man might well be jailed while the woman remains blameless, is extremely difficult.

How do you address such a complex phenomenon? Or is merely condemning it enough?

If this is true it means that honor killings are not just practices supported by a small group of lunatic men but something that is an integral part of Islamic culture.

In the news:

World: Europe Grapples with Honor Killings of Women

When rapists walk free in Pakistan

`Honour killings' hide racist motives

Honour crime is 'complex issue'

Around the Blogosphere:

Islam - Feminists Desert Their Sisters

Gender and Honor in Islam

Sufferage? I got your Sufferage right here

Where Are The Feminists?

Some Cultures Are More Equal Than Others

It's a man's world after all

Radical feminism and radical Islam make common cause

One police officer beat a woman to the ground with his baton, then another ran up and kicked her in the face

“Women who go to hairdressers will go to hell”


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