Friday, May 06, 2005

The role of Islamic law in Iraq


Three out of four Iraqis believe Islam should be the main or only source of law and legislation in their country, according to a poll of 2,700 Iraqis.

While just over 74 percent thought Islam should be the sole or main source of legislation, just 2 percent said religion should play no role in law-making, a poll showed Friday.

The findings come as parliament prepares to draft a new constitution, which will notably focus on the role of Islam, Iraq's official religion, in society.

The poll was based on some 2,705 interviews conducted from April 11 to April 20 by an Iraqi firm employed by the conservative US International Republican Institute.

I don't think that pluralism will have a healthy future in Iraq.


At 6:04 PM, Blogger The Sovereign Editor said...

I think we should have partitioned Iraq into Kurdistan, Iraq, and Persia (the Kurdish, Sunni, and Shite nations respectively). They'll never make any progress for the people (including religious progress) unless we take away the opportunity for the power elites to play ethnic groups off of one another... much like the power elites do in this country. (The only reason it hasn't been as successful here is because the core culture values individual liberty. I think that lax border security/immigration controls could be aimed at creating a situation where most of the population cares about getting the better of another ethnic group more than they care about individual liberty. That's where the politicians win out big time)

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think any realistic person expected that a couple of years without Saddam would do the trick by itself. The thing we most need to pumping into Iraq is fresh ideas. Older Iraqi are set in their ways and few will be won over. We need to concentrate on winning over the young. If the flow of outside ideas is uninterrupted, there is hope.

At 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I don't want to seem insensitive, and I personally don't want to live in an 'Islamic state', but...Who cares? It's their country, so let them -- and I suppose this means a majority of Iraqis -- do with it what they want.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Adam Lawson said...

The problem is that so many American soldiers have died - and probably will continue to die - in order to create this new Islamic - probably Shia - state. Also, think of all the money that Bush has poured into Iraq which could have been used in this country.


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