Teen dies trying to save father in home invasion: Asian gang pair nabbed in slayings
Tom Farmer:
A heroic Lynn teenager sacrificed her own life in a vain attempt to save her handicapped father from a hail of bullets allegedly fired by Asian gangbangers late Monday.
Both Amy Dumas, 16, and her father, Robert Finnerty Sr., 47, were killed in the shocking home invasion that may have followed a thwarted attempt by the killers to buy drugs.
"She got in front of him. She was trying to protect him," a tearful Debbie Patrazza said of Dumas, her niece.
"Who would think he would be shot sitting in his chair with his 16-year-old daughter trying to protect him," Patrazza said of Finnerty, her brother-in-law.
Finnerty and Dumas were shot multiple times just after 11 p.m. Monday when four men forced their way into their Cottage Street apartment, authorities said. Within minutes, two reputed gang members, Chon Son, 19, and Phap Buth, 30, of Revere, were under arrest. Two others are being sought.
Son, who sources said belongs to the "Oriental Boys" gang and is well known to local police, was arrested at an apartment building two streets away that prosecutor John Brennan said is known for Asian gang activity. Police seized a Tech-9 semiautomatic handgun and a .380-caliber handgun on a third-floor landing where Son was standing, he said.
Daughter shot trying to protect father from assailants
Police say Lynn shooting suspects well-known gang members
If anyone can find a story about white gang activity, it's you. I mean, maybe white gangs do exist, and are a problem in some places, but I've never seen a story about it. And I think this most certainly means criminality by non-white gangs is a hugely disproportional phenomenon in the US.
as if im crazy
hi my name is jessica lynn richardson. i just wanted to say what happended to my best friend shouldnt happen to anyone ever again. me and ames have been friends for as long as i can remember and now she is gone.. taking in one night from me and all who loved her .. and her father oh man do i miss him, he was always making me laugh.. i so badly wished that i could have told amy and bobby how muched a loved them.. well it is not to say that i still love them.. you know it is sad how sometimes i still find myself calling amy's house to see if she wants to chill... but i get nothing but the operator telling me this number is disconnected.. *sigh* i so badly just want to see her again just for a couple of moments to tell her how much i miss her... and bobby oh how i miss him what a hoot
im still in shock to this very day about what happened on cottage street that night... and i know there are still people asking why? why Bob he was great over coming to odds of cancer and surving a stroke ..i remember when he had that stroke me and amy and her mom went to visit him in the local hospital...*sigh* anyways i so badly want to start a fund to help the awareness against gang violence in Lynn in memory of my Best friend and her father.. but i dont know how if anyone knows or could help i would be greatly appericate the help.. you can contact me at my email lynngirlie88@yahoo.com thanks
a million love jessica
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