Friday, June 17, 2005

Too many people migrating to Ireland?

Letter in an Irish newspaper:

Sir - Reading your paper recently, the debate about immigration continues. One writer wrote about the danger of a Chinese over-run of Ireland and Europe. I think this is based upon the findings of an academic in DCU. Apparently, Irish people will be in the minority in their own country by 2050.

I would never have regarded myself as racist, nor am I. But I have to confess my concern at the growing multiculturalism in Irish society today - it is a shock to the system. Recently I went into FAS looking for work on three consecutive days. I could not get near the boards for Eastern Europeans and Asian people there. Ireland is a small country and we cannot afford to accommodate the rest of the world.

If we were to take in every person from every country where freedom is not respected we ourselves would be unable to function as a society. There is so much homelessness, drug addiction, etc, with our native population, I feel charity should begin at home.

Some years back, I regarded the Immigration Control Platform as absurd. Now I am not so sure. This is after a gay friend of mine was abused by thugs of Eastern origin when he left a gay pub. How dare these people from medieval societies abuse our hospitality.

Our politicians have sold our national identity for 30 pieces of silver (to the EU) which makes a farce of their desire to establish a united Ireland and protect our Irish heritage.

Martin Hopkins,
Leinster Road,
Dublin 6

Irish could be minority ethnic group here by 2050 - professor

Country's emigrant past lies forgotten as Irish accused of racism

100 nationalities being educated in Dublin

Uncertainty for asylum seekers in Ireland


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure some Irish think so, and this is probably part of the reason they decided to change their birthright citizenship law earlier. They may also be doing some thinking about what it means to be 'Irish'.


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