Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Dhimmi Police and Islam


This is just unbelievable- there's press conference going on right now at which the service heads for Lodon Transport are involved (underground, buses, fire service, ambulance service and police). During the Q&A session DAC Brian Paddick of the Metropolitan Police was asked about Islamic terrorists being responsible for the coordinated bomb attack which has left at least 33 dead. His reply-

"As far as I am concerned, 'Islamic' and 'terrorism' do not go together."

This dhimmi behaviour is completely ridiculous at a time like this. Especially since every time some sort of communique is released from an Islamic terrorist group they inevitably cite Allah and the Koran. Religion is, of course, what it's all about.

Perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised by this though- this police officer has probably gone through months of "sensitivity training" regarding good relations with the Muslim community.

A word from London reacts to the London murders

Has anyone spoken with Omar Bakri today?

London bombings executed by at least 24 people

Group lays claim to blasts; 'Al Qaeda in Europe' warns other nations

London Bombing. Another of Allah’s Great Feats?


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a police officer ,DAC PADDICK continues to be an embarrassment to all serving police officers ,his overtly liberal views are comensurate with being a social worker.He would have been fired years ago but got a promotion as he kept saying boards set up to deal with him were homophobic.He is a symbol of evrything that is wrong with the job ,coming from the commissioner down.
Most serving officers just want to do there jobs and nail these terrorists and unfortunaetly and it has to be said these people are fighting for Islam in their own misguided and uneducated way. Paddick is just another idiot thats afraid of saying the right thing and losing his job,ultimately he is compromised and not a true Police officer.


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