Monday, November 21, 2005

Schakowsky blasts Kirk's remarks on Arab males

Rummana Hussain:

U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said Saturday she was "deeply offended" that her colleague Mark Kirk thinks it's "OK" to discriminate against young Arab males, and she joined a diverse group of immigrants' rights supporters in demanding an apology from the Republican congressman.

"No one should be OK with discrimination," Schakowsky said to an applauding, standing-room-only crowd at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights convention at Navy Pier.

"It is comments like this, which characterize an entire group of people, that represent the kind of thinking that ultimately led to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II."

When Kirk, of Highland Park, was asked about the difficulties of the visa process for immigrants at a nanotechnology conference at Northwestern University earlier this month, he said, "I'm OK with discrimination against young Arab males from terrorist-producing states. I'm OK with that."

He continued: "I think that when we look at the threat that's out there, young men between, say, the ages of 18 and 25 from a couple of countries, I believe a certain amount of intense scrutiny should be placed on them. I'm not threatened by people from China. I'm not even threatened by people from Mexico. I just know where the threat is from. It's from a unique place, and I think it's OK to recognize that."

Schakowsky is the second Illinois politician to publicly criticize Kirk for his remarks. U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) also blasted Kirk recently, characterizing his statements as showing a "cavalier attitude towards civil liberties."

"I say, 'Apologize, Congressman Kirk,' " Schakowsky said as thousands of immigrants cheered. "Being OK with discrimination gives the OK for people inside and outside our communities to distrust young Muslim men, or those who appear to be Arab or Middle Eastern or Muslim or darker-skinned or foreign-speaking."

Kirk, a Naval Reserve intelligence officer, is on active duty. His spokesman, Matt Towson, said Saturday that Kirk "has highlighted the need for heightened review of visa entries. To do anything less would be a disservice to the safety of Americans here at home."

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At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) said Saturday she was "deeply offended" that her colleague Mark Kirk thinks it's "OK" to discriminate against young Arab males, and she joined a diverse group of immigrants' rights supporters in demanding an apology from the Republican congressman."

"U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) also blasted Kirk recently, characterizing his statements as showing a "cavalier attitude towards civil liberties."

The issuance of visas to foreigners is an inherently disciminatory process; there is no "civil right" for a foreigner to enter the US. When the State Dept. issues visas the interests of the US citizenry should be paramount. In the days before the Multicult this was recognized as simple logic and common sense.

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those days are obviously long gone.

From this link:

[White liberals are openly, breathtakingly hypocritical. The appearance of racial rectitude is perhaps America’s most highly-regarded virtue, but it comes at essentially no cost.

You don’t have to have black friends, you don’t have to have Mexican neighbors, you don’t have to send your children to schools where no one speaks English, and you don’t have to invite Hmong refugees to your dinner parties. You can be racially respectable without doing anything. Just gush about the things you, yourself, carefully avoid: integration, multi-culturalism, and diversity.

This is the Clinton/Kennedy/Bush racket.

People get away with it because everyone is in on the charade. By any real racial test, by any measure that requires sacrifice, everyone fails, so whites never apply real tests to each other. Mouth the right clichés and you’re on the side of the angels. Racial rectitude is therefore the most cheaply bought virtue in American history— and also the most easily forfeited. Because only words matter, not deeds, a single sentence can wreck a career.]

The above passage sums it up nicely; in today's climate of suffocating political correctness and racial sensitivity, few people have the guts to speak simple, obvious truths.


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