Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Florida teens and racial divisions

South Florida teens tend to divide up into groups based on race and ethnicity:

For all the region's diversity, the groups that teenagers and young adults socialize with are often not very mixed. Relatively recent and dramatic demographic shifts have also reshaped race relations, splintering what was once a black vs. white issue into one with myriad overlapping, seemingly contradictory pieces.

"That whole interracial white-black thing, that's history, that's not on the front burner anymore," said Marvin Dunn, an associate professor of community psychology at Florida International University.

"It's the Hispanic-black thing. And interethnic tensions. Between African Americans and Haitians, between Haitians and Jamaicans. Between Hispanics who resent Cubans for being too dominant. Wherever this country is going in terms of ethnic evolution, South Florida will get it first."

Human tribalism strikes again.


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an interesting statement however a statement is all it is. What sources have you drawn your information from? A hugely generalized accusation such as the one you have given cannot stand alone and hope not to be mauled down.

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Adam Lawson said...

Can you give me examples of schools with students from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds where there is no conflict between the various groups?


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