Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Holland: A Muslim politician drops his mask

Dhimmi Watch:

Cid Martel of the Dutch Disease blog has kindly sent along this revealing translation of a Dutch story from Trouw. Cid explains: "A small Dutch Christian party called ChristenUnie (ChristianUnion) is trying to figure out how to deal with Muslims. Some feel Muslims are a threat, others think that Christians need to be open to people from other cultures. There was a debate recently between the party leader and the director of Milli Gorus. It started out fine but suddenly Haci Karacear, the director, dropped his mask. This is from a column which appeared in today’s Trouw newspaper by the excellent French-Dutch publicist Sylvain Ephimenco:

Haci Karacaer was rather provocative. He hammered home that Europe has its roots in Islam. “Europe does not have Judeo-Christian roots. We gave them to you!” When they talked about religious education things got even more heated. “André, try to keep up with the facts. Demographics tell you that a school board can’t continue to proselytize. I’ll go as far as to say that the Christian identity of these schools doesn’t mean a damn thing.”

André must have been shocked. You think you do your Muslim brothers a favour by giving them an opportunity to build their own schools and suddenly they want to take over yours. Maybe he finally realized Milli Gorus’ strategy. Karacear has for years been towing the same line as the Swiss preacher Tariq Ramadan. Avoid conflicts, be friendly, consensual and oppose the segregation of Muslims. Because it’s their holy mission to Islamize Western society you can’t have ghettoes like Islamic schools. You don’t Islamize by locking yourself up, but by using secular or Christian structures and turning them upside down when the time comes. But maybe Karacaer stumbled and dropped his mask a bit too soon. By already playing the demographics card, annexing the Jewish-Christian roots and glaring at the ‘black’ confessional schools he might have woken up the ChristianUnion.

Hopefully Europeans will start to wake up to the threat that Islam poses to European democracies but I am somewhat pessimistic. I fear that Europeans will only fully realize the danger once Europe has been turned into an Islamic hellhole just like much of the Middle East.

Around the Blogosphere:

Dutch Muslim Politician Drops His Mask


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