Thursday, May 26, 2005

Louisiana-Mexico Drug Ring

Associated Press:

A ring suspected of moving more than $1 million in marijuana and cocaine from Mexico into southern Louisiana has been cracked with the federal indictments of 17 people.

Authorities said the charges, including drug distribution and money laundering, are the result of a three-year investigation.

The alleged ringleader, Pedro "Peter" Mendez Ramos, of Church Point, is in jail along with several of his relatives.

Mendez Ramos, who was arrested in the border town of Brownsville, Texas, faces charges of drug distribution, money laundering and operating a continuing criminal enterprise. Prosecutors have filed forfeiture claims against several members of the alleged ring, seeking to seize property purchased with drug proceeds.

15 drug ring suspects arrested in 3-state, 3-year investigation

Operation Fowl Play

3 suspects still wanted in million-dollar drug sting


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