Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pew Poll of Mexicans: Bush's guest worker plan could bring in 56 million Mexicans!

Steve Sailer:

The Pew Hispanic Center has sponsored two polls in Mexico this year on desire to immigrate to America. The results are eye-opening. When asked if they would be inclined to go to work legally in the U.S. in a temporary worker program, 52% of Mexicans in February and 54% in May said "Yes." With 106 million people in Mexico, this translates to 56 million people (assuming they bring their underage dependents, which the Bush plan would allow).

Unfortunately, Pew didn't ask how many would stay on illegally in America after their time ran out.

As for the U.S. running out of Mexican illegal immigrants, as Bush pollster Matthew Dowd claimed would happen in his recent New York Times op-ed, 21% of Mexicans said in both Pew polls that they would be inclined to go work and live in the United States without authorization. That's 22 million people. (And about twice as many Mexicans would be inclined to emigrate to America if they could do it legally.)

Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration Policy: Surveys among US Latinos and in Mexico

Sailer Special: "The Republican Devolution:" More Open Borders Shilling from the White House

Lee Kwan Yew on democracy vs. multiculturalism


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amnesty for Mexican illegals followed by family reunification could also bring in millions.


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