Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Steve Sailer critiques Andrew Sullivan's views on the high levels of crime, abortion, divorce and illegitimacy in the American South

Steve Sailer:

That's mostly because the South has a lot more blacks than the rest of the country, who are much more prone to a variety of social ills. What is methodologically correct is to make black-to-black and white-to-white comparisons

Blacks, it turns out, are more law-abiding in the South than in the North, being imprisoned only about six times more often than whites in the South compared to nine times more often than whites nationally.

Among whites, the South is a more blue collar region than the parts of the country Andrew prefers. The most instructive comparison for his purposes is the American South versus the working class north of England -- such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, etc. -- where the white population has been descending into drunkenness and thievery, while the white population of the American South has closed much of the gap between itself Northern whites that was once quite wide.

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