Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A range of extra-large condoms has been launched in South Africa, to cater for well-endowed men

BBC News:

South African men might enjoy buying extra large condoms

"A large number of South African men are bigger and complain about condoms being uncomfortable and too small," said Durex manager Stuart Roberts.

Aids activists say the new condom could encourage men to practise safe sex in South Africa, where some 6m are HIV positive - more than any other country.

Some South Africans are reluctant to use condoms, says activist Thandi Xolo.

Mr Xolo, from the National Association of People Living With HIV/Aids (Napwa), said both men and women fear being labelled as promiscuous if they are seen with condoms.

"This could help condoms become cool," he said. "Men will buy them to boost their ego."

Even more importantly, it will remove the excuse made by some men for not using condoms - that they are too small.

However, Mr Xolo said he was not sure how many of the millions of condoms sold each year in South Africa were being properly used.

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At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A large number of South African men are bigger and complain about condoms being uncomfortable and too small,"

Yeah, sure -- those uncomfortable, unwearable too small condoms must be why AIDS is spreading so widely there. So, that problem is fixed.

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another racial "myth" shown to be true.


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