Friday, February 10, 2006

The popularity of thug culture is among the most serious of modern-day threats to black America

Cynthia Tucker:

According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, black men are the likely perpetrators in more than 40 percent of the homicides in which a suspect has been identified. That's staggering -- given that black men account for only about 6 percent of the population. But black men are their own worst enemies: They also account for about 40 percent of the nation's homicide victims.

No drumbeat or rhyme ever put a gun in anyone's hand. But some rap lyrics do make violence seem an assurance of manliness. Not only does much rap music (and I use the word "music" advisedly) glorify men who carry guns and intimidate or kill their foes, but some rap artists have engaged in actual violence. Some have gone to prison. Some are dead. Apparently, their close association with criminal activity gives them "street creds," making them more popular.

Yet few prominent black activists raise their voices against this insidious industry. You can count on the usual suspects to protest discrimination in housing or education or employment or even TV roles. But you cannot count on them to mount a vigorous assault on thug culture and the violence it perpetuates.

Now that a multibillion-dollar industry has grown up around thug culture, it will be very difficult to tamp down. Not only have a handful of black artists and producers become very wealthy, but so have many whites. Indeed, raunchy rap music sells well in affluent white suburbs, where teens may enjoy the vicarious thrill but are insulated from the real-life risks.

So, for that matter, are affluent blacks such as Hudlin, a Harvard grad, or Edmonds, a successful Hollywood executive recently separated from wealthy music producer Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds. They can afford to live in high-walled seclusion, away from the casual violence they pimp to others. Even Lil' Kim is likely to survive her incarceration with her bank account intact. In fact, with her BET deal, Jones must have become more valuable the closer she got to prison.

Trenton murders hit all-time high


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