Thursday, December 21, 2006

Teen pregnancy and death rates for blacks, whites and Hispanics in New York City

Lisa L. Colangelo:

The number of diabetes deaths has jumped almost 20% over the past 10 years, mirroring the obesity epidemic in the city. Frieden said one in five New Yorkers is obese.

Although the gap is closing, there are still major disparities between white, black and Hispanic New Yorkers.

The death rate for black men (11.9 per 1,000) is 23% higher than for white men (8.5). The rate for Hispanic men is 9.8 while 7.3 for Asian men.

The highest rates of teen pregnancy are found in young Hispanic and black women. While the citywide birthrate is 33.1 births per 1,000 females between the ages of 15 and 19, the rate is 55.6 among Hispanic girls and 37.1 for black girls.

The highest rates are found in the Bronx, followed by Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

New York City Birth Rate Plunges

No silver lining



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