Tuesday, April 25, 2006

1,023 foreign prisoners have been allowed to walk free when they were meant to be considered for deportation from Britain

BBC News:

They include three murderers and nine rapists, Home Office figures show.

Charles Clarke said he could not say "hand on heart" that they would all be tracked down but said he did not think it was a "resigning matter".

The Lib Dems accused ministers of incompetence. The Tories said Mr Clarke was not protecting the public.

Conservative shadow home secretary David Davis said Mr Clarke should be brought to Parliament to answer for a "major failure".

He asked: "How many more times must we put up with the Home Office's abject failure to protect the public, and how many more times will they seek to duck responsibility for the issue?"

Commons speaker Michael Martin said he would ask Mr Clarke to explain why he had not made a Commons statement on the debacle.

Home Office bungle lets foreign murderers and rapists loose

Clarke apologises for criminal deportation failures



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