Thursday, May 18, 2006

A former German government spokesman has claimed that dark-skinned visitors might risk their lives if they visit parts of an eastern region

Associated Press:

Concern about racism and hate crimes is running high in Germany following the brutal beating at Easter of an Ethiopian-born German engineer in Potsdam, the state capital of Brandenburg, which surrounds Berlin.

On Wednesday, Uwe-Karsten Heye, a one-time spokesman for former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, sounded an alarming note about the region.

“There are small and middle-sized towns in Brandenburg and elsewhere where I would not advise anyone who has a different skin colour to go,” Mr. Heye, who now heads an anti-racism group, said on Deutschlandradio. “He might not leave alive.”

German warns World Cup guests

Black football fans warned of racist attacks in Germany


At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about die taegliche Kriminalitaet von Auslaender in Deutschland? Isn't it much higher than for ordinary Germans? And aren't most of the victims of these crimes Germans? I know this is true, but the media isn't interested in playing up this story.

Just going by the numbers, crimes committed by non-Germans in Germany are a much bigger problem than Rechtextremismus. But you would never guess this from the media.

Clearly it is also a statistical fact that there are more apparently racially motivated crimes against non-whites in some areas of Germany than others. And Brandenburg is one of these places.

Other than Potsdam, which is relatively safer, it is not clear why WM visitors would want to venture out into Brandenburg, much of which is still, more than 15 years after the Wiedervereinigung, ridden with unemployment.

The exact circumstances of the assault on the Ethiopian are not yet clarified. The victim himself was found to be stark alkoholisiert -- very drunk. It appears it may have been a confrontation that started at a bar/disco earlier, and escalated, meaning it was not entirely due to his race.

Also, recently in Berlin an Italian claimed to have been assaulted by men who called him a "scheiss Auslaender". Later a surveillance camera proved he fell down while drunk and injured himself. Needless to say, you barely heard about that, i.e. compared to the publicity given to his initial lies.

At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Italian has now been arrested.


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