Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nifong and the Duke rape hoax

Michael J. Gaynor:

Watching the "60 Minutes" expose on the Duke rape case on October 15 was a pleasure. Having "60 Minutes" on one's side is very helpful. The visuals were very effective, especially the sincere faces of each of the Duke Three contrasted with Crystal Gail Mangum, the sly accuser lying on the floor during her "performance" and dancing partly naked with a pole a couple of weeks later.

Like the child in the fable who said that the pompous emperor was not wearing any clothes and thereby opened deluded people's eyes, "60 Minutes" exposed the fact that Durham County, North Carolina District Attorney Michael B. Nifong does not have credible evidence to support his case against the Duke Three (and also exposed his egregious misconduct and now ludicrous lies).

All of the young men whom Ms. Mangum falsely accused spoke to "60 Minutes," but not Ms. Mangum.

That's a hint as to who is telling the truth.

Likewise, each of the Duke Three has passed a polygraph test and David Evans mentioned that he had offered to take a polygraph test. Neither the police nor the prosecution wanted to polygraph him. and risk having the case against him torpedoed before indictment?

Want to be polygraphed NOW, Crystal Gail Mangum?

How about being interviewed by Ed Bradley? Or do you realize that you would do...very badly?

Sherman: '60' Interview Good For Accused


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