Friday, March 02, 2007

Security heavy for rape defendant accused of stabbing his lawyer in Massachusetts court

Associated Press:

Che Sosa

A rape defendant who stabbed his lawyer during jury selection returned to court under heavy security and aggressively asked the attorney: "You still breathing?"

"It didn't mean anything to me," lawyer John Courtney told his former client, Che Sosa, on Thursday.

Courtney has withdrawn from the trial of Sosa, who attacked him Tuesday with a weapon made of hard plastic. Superior Court Judge Charles Grabau also excused himself from the case because he witnessed it.

Sosa, 37, lunged at Courtney before court officers restrained him. Courtney was treated for injuries to his face and chest.

"I guess I was lucky," Courtney said. "It hit the bone."

Officers in helmets, gloves and padded chest protectors led a handcuffed and shackled Sosa to his court appearance Thursday. He was wearing leg irons in court Tuesday.

A Department of Correction spokeswoman said Sosa was strip searched in his high-security cell Thursday before he was handed over to deputies.

State police are investigating how Sosa managed to bring a weapon into court.

Stabbing suspect back in court

Defense bar apprehensive after stabbing of attorney


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Defense bar apprehensive after stabbing of attorney..."

No shit. Yalk about an understatement. This Sosa savage whould be taken to the top of the courthouse and be pushed off. It would save time, money and probably somebody's life.


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